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10 Creative Photo & Video Challenges

Scavenger Hunt Photo Ideas

Now that people are back out and about and wanting to do something recreational outdoors..why not a scavenger hunt?! It's never been easier to organize and run a photo scavenger hunt as part of a team building, educational, or recreational event. Running a scavenger hunt game takes a little creativity which is always fun and inspiring, we've seen some creative scavenger hunt over the years, and would be more than happy to share them as a form of inspiration Check out this list of some that have resulted in our favourite photo/video submissions.

If you already have your Cashunt booked and want to get an idea of some past challenges this will also be a cool idea as to what to expect.

Here are 10 creative photo and video challenges

. Hot Hot Hot: Find a bunch of people and for 10 seconds create the largest conga line

. Game Pieces: Find an outdoor maze and have player pretend that they are game pieces on that maze

. Here Come The Bride: Take a picture with a wedding party

. How Do We All Fit Here: Use your improv skills use an item where the whole team can fit ie: a mirror, photo booth

. Optical Illussion:  Go online and find some optical illussion challenges and translate them into to fun photo challenges

. Can I Have This Dance:  Find a member of the public and perform a Tango.

. Stop Hammer Time:  For 10 Seconds perform Mc Hammer's You Cant Touch This Dance Routine

. Team Pyramid: The most classic of photo challenges.

. Clucky Time:  Find a member of the public and as a team cluck like chickens around them

  Utilitize Public Art: Look around your area for public art and implement those locations in your game

So there you have it some scavenger hunt ideas to inspire to put your own game together.   If you would rather have us create and produce one of premium game experiences, hit the button below.  Thanks!

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